5 Proven techniques to reduce your packaging cost

5 Proven techniques to reduce your packaging cost

The product's packaging is an integral part of the supply chain. The cost of packaging is one of the main factors that affect the selling price of the product. Reducing costs like material, labor, etc., will help you immensely.

This article will discuss some tips and tricks for reducing the material costs of a product's packaging. When creating your custom packaging solution for your products, you must keep the following points in mind.

1. Reducing Materials Cost:

There are many ways to save money on materials and structures. Using less material can save you money because you don't need as much packaging. You could also use recycled materials, if possible, which would be an even better option because it will help reduce the environmental impact while also saving you money.

If your product doesn't require structural support (like a box or bag), this may not be as important since it won't affect its weight or size negatively, but there is still something else that could help with this issue: lighter-weight products! 

2. Cost-Effective Volume Planning:

To calculate the break-even point, you should first use a spreadsheet to calculate the following:

The volume breaks to determine how much you need to order at each unit price level to break even. For example, if your product costs $10 per unit and you want to sell it for $40 per unit, then your minimum order quantity would be 100 units, and your maximum order quantity would be 200.

A price break is basically just a way of saying, "this is how much we charge lower than our standard rate because we know people won't buy it at the total price.

3. Printing on a Budget:

Printing on a budget is possible, but you'll need to be more careful.

Make sure the paper you use is thinner, cheaper, more durable, or long-lasting than the more expensive options.

Use a larger printer to get the most out of your ink cartridge and toner supply. This will allow you to print more pages without having to replace them often, which will help keep costs down in the long run.

Use a digital printer if possible—it's much easier than an offset press with an operator! Digital printers use less electricity than their older counterparts and do not require maintenance as offset presses do.

4. Always Choose the Right Manufacturer:

There are many factors to consider when selecting a manufacturer, like their expertise, reliability, turnaround time, etc.

Do they have the expertise and resources to produce your product? If not, how much time do they want to do it? Are they able to provide guidance for each of the processes? Can they answer questions about materials and manufacturing processes quickly, efficiently, and accurately? These are a few questions that should be considered before finalizing the manufacture.

Check the reliability, like do they have good customer service skills? Their shipping method is reliable or not? Is their payment option flexible or not? 

5. Save Cost through Logistics Plannings:

Reduce the number of shipments when you reduce the number of loads, you can save on cost and time. You can also use less expensive transportation modes.

Use less expensive warehouse and storage space warehouses are often located in areas not close enough to customers' offices, so they have to transport their products by truck or train for delivery purposes only, which results in more daily trips. The same applies when using a warehouse facility as an alternative location for storing inventory.

We hope you find these tips and cost-saving techniques helpful, and we would love to share more informative articles about saving more money while ordering custom-printed packaging from us.